Monday, April 25, 2011

E Cleveland Transfer Three Week Three

hey everyone! happy easter!! this week was pretty good. there were a few days we didnt have to wear jackets! thats really exciting. there was also another baptism in teh singles branch here on saturday. his name is justin. we didnt teach him cuz he lives out of our area but he has been coming to the singles branch on sunday for a while now. my bike seat broke again this week too lol. i was riding down the road and all of a sudden i fell off the back of my bike! luckily i landed on my feet somehow and ended up running down the road while my bike did a ghost rider and crashed. it was pretty funny. everyone was laughin at me on the street but i was laughin to so its alright. its been raining like crazy here too. probly just like g. one day we were out on our bikes and it poured rain all day and every appointment we had cancelled haha. we were so wet and so cold that day but it was pretty fun. i wish it would snow instead of rain. cuz its so cold you can see your breathe and its still raining. the snow gets you much less wet but oh well. its a step towards warmer weather. so im giving a workshop in district meeting this week (ive given alot of em now i just never mention em) but every time i do i always use an analogy bout hank haha. its awesome. so im totally gonna use those easter pictures you sent me this week mom. thank you for the package i loved it. but give hankers the lovins for me. love you all
elder berry

Monday, April 18, 2011

Best Week Ever

hey everyone this week was awesome!! rans baptism was amazing! she was so happy and just beaming afterwards. a member of the branch baptized her. there was an awesome musical number by a couple of the music students and really good talks too. she even invited a bunch of friends to her baptism and then on sunday introduced herself to a new guy that came and invited him to come back next week. she just loves the gospel and shares it with everyone its so awesome. every month here they have a fireside at the kirtland visitors center for the investigators to go to and the people in charge asked ran to share her testimony there. so we found an investigator to take so we could see ran share her testimony lol. im so glad i did though. that was the best day of my life. that ten minutes of her sharing her testimony made my entire mission worth it. not that it wasnt worth it before but that event alone could have made the whole thing worthwhile. she bore her testimony about prayer and the love of god and how she has found peace in her life and cant wait to share it with her family so they can be an eternal family and how she knows the book of mormon is true. it was amazing. im so glad ive had the chance to meet her and become friends and help her understand the gospel. i wish you all could have been there but its something ill never forget. hope this is enough detail for you mom. love you all . give hankers the lovins

Monday, April 4, 2011

E Cleveland Transfer Two Week Six

hey everyone! this week has been pretty good. conference was amazing as usual. i loved elder holland talking about the ensign to the nations. his talks from when he was president of byu are absollutely amazing too. i just started reading them and listening to em and im addicted. i recommend you looking at em. especially .. alright well i cant pick just one to tell you to listen to. also his conference talks called "the only true god and jesus christ whom he sent" and the second half the next year called "my words never cease" are amazing. but anyways thats enough bout him. it snowed this week agian. and rained. and had nice warm sunny days. the weather is unpredictable. as i watched conference and especially in priesthood session i thought about you guys alot. i miss watching conference with you and especially being at priesthood with dad. its good to know that we were all watchin the same thing at the same time though. speakin of which im tired of sittin around watching tv all day lol. its the exact opposite of what missionaries do so its weird to do it at conference. ran is still doing amazing. she invited one of her friends in china to go to church there this last week. she also watched all four sessions of conference. were looking forward to her baptism in a couple more weeks. thats bout all from here though. love you. give hankers the lovins!
elder berry